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Doctors and Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly dentists and staff who make The Smile Center the leading provider of oral hygiene and personalized dental services in White House.

Dr. Vickery

Dr. VickeryDr. Philip B. Vickery has practiced dentistry in the White House community since establishing The Smile Center in the spring of 1980. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University and The University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. He has participated in post graduate studies at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry and has been certified as a member of DOCS oral sedation dentistry.

Dr. Vickery enjoys providing his patients and their families with excellent, state of the art dental care in a highly personalized manner.

The doctor and his wife, Rosemary, have two daughters and one grandson. As an active member of the community, Dr. Vickery was instrumental in founding the White House Library in 1986 and currently serves on the board of directors for the Friends of the White House Library. He was charter president of the White House Area Chamber of Commerce and past president of the White House Rotary Club.

Dr. Jones

Dr. JonesA Tennessee native, Dr. Jones grew up in the Greenbrier area. He attended the University of Tennessee Chattanooga where he received his undergraduate degree in biology. He then attended the University of Tennessee Memphis where he received his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery.

Since Dr. Jones has been a partner at The Smile Center he has completed hundreds of hours of courses in dental continuing education. He is dedicated to the newest advancements in cosmetic dentistry and keeps up to date with the latest technologies. He is frequently among the first dentist to perfect and use the newer, more advanced techniques and equipment.

Dr. Jones is a standing member of the American Dental Association, Tennessee Dental Association, and the Nashville Dental Association. He is also a certified member of DOCs Education for oral conscious sedation. Locally, he is a member of the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, and various other civic organizations.

When Dr. Jones is not practicing his passion for dentistry, he spends most of his time with his lovely wife and children. He is an avid tennis player and loves all sports.

Certification/ Professional Membership

  • Bachelor of Science – UT Chattanooga
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery – UT Memphis
  • American Dental Association
  • Tennessee Dental Association
  • Nashville Dental Association
  • DOCs Education for OCS

Dr. White

Dr. WhiteDr. White grew up in Taylorsville, Mississippi. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. She then continued her education at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, where she procured a degree in Doctor of Dental Medicine. Dr. White is an active member of the American Dental Association and a member of the Mississippi Association of Women Dentists.

Dr. White joined our practice in August 2020 and can’t wait to serve the White House citizens. She states, “White House just feels like home because it’s a small community full of big hearts” and has already begun to immerse herself in local happenings. She hopes to dispel the public’s stigma of Dentists and help her patients realize how much a person’s oral health affects one’s overall well being. Perseverance, dependability, and honesty are values that drive her to administer world-class dental care to her patients.

When Dr. White isn’t providing care at the Smile Center, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, especially her dog Jack. She cherishes the outdoors and loves spending time hunting, fishing, and just hanging out at the park.